The Breath of Life Fund

2013 September 21

Created by Gaynor Murray 9 years ago
During her first few weeks in hospital after she collapsed, mum asked us to be very honest with her and not hold anything back. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do; tell my mum that the doctors said she had very little time left with us. We sorted out her affairs and talked a lot about her wishes for her funeral. She asked that donations be given to Strathcarron Hospice and Ward B12 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital (which we have done) but I felt that mum deserved more and that I had to do something to keep her memory alive for Dylan. I explained to mum how the Breath of Life Fund worked- this journal, the tributes people would write and how any donations given will be used to research COPD. She listened patiently, studied my face intently, reached out to touch my face and with that familiar twinkle in her eye she said: "Aye, that's all very good...but that's not going to help me" Classic!